Holy crap, I am featured. Link This has never happened before. This sets the bar very high for me, indeed. Now I have to up the level of crap-smanship for my posts. After this one.
Try Link or try Link . Excellent resources for truly inane and useless facts. Some stuff even I didn't know! And I thought I was the source for all things dull and pointless, all trivialities great and small. Dictionary.com says... n. pl. mi·nu·ti·ae (-sh-) A small or trivial detail: the minutiae of experimental and mathematical procedure (Frederick Turner). So it's not only me that loves this stuff. Or remembers this stuff.
I am trying to find out some information. And hopefully learning something along the way. Call it a solicitation for opinion, ranting, musing, whatever... on the part of JUsers and others, if appropriate. What does it take to be a Respected Blogger? There are many reasons why you would respect a blogger... Opinionated... and literate enough to convey that opinion to others. Have a readable style. Post on interesting topics. Conduct a well-moderated intelligent thread, not ...
Hello my friends (both JU and real life friends), Thus begins my one hundredth article here on JoeUser. I can honestly say that I have loved getting to this point. You people have stimulated me and challenged me. You have made me examine my own beliefs and views regarding almost everything. Which has been fun, educational, and frustrating at times. 100 articles? This also begins my self-examination period. Ninety nine articles, and it's mostly... well, mostly junk. Wouldn't feed ...
I got a link in my spam email today for trying out Yahoo! Avatar : And I came up with this: "YIKES! I tried to make my little avatar buddy as asexual as possible. Did it work? AND WHAT EXACTLY ARE THESE AVATAR THINGS FOR, ANYWAY?
This is from a presentation I gave at work today. I thought it was excellently appropriate for bloggers, since we seem to be so opinionated and brutal with those who do not share our opinions. I start with a question: Which is more likely to cause death in the United States? Being killed by falling airplane parts or by a shark? According to a 1994 report in Newsweek, in the United States, the chance of dying from falling airplane parts is THIRTY TIMES GREATER than being killed...
Somebody near Pluto will love my writing! I just signed up for a web service. You may have heard of it, and you may not have. It's Blog In Space, and they will transmit your blog via parabolic antenna out into the ether, at about six gigahertz. According to their materials, your blog will reach the orbit of Pluto in about ten years. How exciting! I will be sure to write that into my day planner. You get a cool-looking certificate for signing up. I will post it to my blog when ...