Patting myself on the virtual back
Hello my friends (both JU and real life friends),
Thus begins my one hundredth article here on JoeUser. I can honestly say that I have loved getting to this point. You people have stimulated me and challenged me. You have made me examine my own beliefs and views regarding almost everything. Which has been fun, educational, and frustrating at times.
100 articles? This also begins my self-examination period. Ninety nine articles, and it's mostly... well, mostly junk. Wouldn't feed it to my dog. But it is mine, and I like it very much. So what has come across the bandwidth since I started blogging one hundred articles ago?
My Highlights:
1. "Millions More Move On Mall": thanks to Louis Farrakhan for my best-received article. Not only was it my first featured article, but it was the highest-point article. I liked it, though I thought the end was weak. What did I want to say? Not being a black male, it was hard for me to put my finger on it. But well received, nonetheless...
2. "It's All Carter's Fault": An "amazing" treatise on the problems of the Carter years, especially on what he did to screw the future. Little did we know how bad it would get, especially arming those contra-Soviet rebels, among whom were Osama bin Laden and those who later became the Taliban. Copiously researched, too. One of my better articles, if I do say so myself.
3. "Celebrities With Opinions" and its sequel, "Cause Celebre": The subject is an absolute pet peeve of mine. I think the articles were well thought out. I am very proud of my opinions therein.
4. "When Air Marshals Attack!": One of my favorite titles; I was chuckling about it for hours afterwards. It fostered a lot of comments addressing the problems with the Air Marshal program and the consequences of acting on spur-of-the-moment judgements.
5. "The Life of a Mormon Missionary": Truth be told, it was the most exciting and fulfilling two years of my life. I hope that came through in the article.
Eyebrow-raising referrals to my website:
Jack Thompson Mormon: Hmmm, I post stuff about Mormons, but don't know any Jack Thompson.
explosive consultant: That one speaks for itself. Or does it?
Debbie Gibson Mormon: Well, sensing a trend here, but how did Debbie get on my site? Not that I mind, please don't get me wrong. She can stay as long as she wants. Debbie is always welcome here.
mormon help with wife: "Get another one!" (Rim shot) Maybe bringing Debbie Gibson into the house would help... 
useless information about the knee: ummm, it's a hinge joint?
lds world of warcraft: Not two phrases you are likely to hear together, except in this sentence: "Not many LDS play World of Warcraft."
purdue trumpet fountain run: What? A fascinating search string.
Aquarium Desktop 2006: I pride myself that I don't blog about computing. I just don't know anything about computers, not at all. That's why not blogging about it is my one point of pride.
nuremberg rally desktop germany: Another interesting search string...
Jack Thompson Jon Stewart: All right! Enough already! Who is this Jack Thompson?!
joe thiesman official website: Again with the 'huh?' I have never ever blogged about Joe Thiesmann. Ever. I barely even know who he is. Of course I know he played football. But nope, never wrote about him...
Anyway, thanks again for being my online buddies and reading the blah blah that I write.
Hopefully my articles are meeting with your exacting standards.