These are my random musings. Hopefully they will be witty, insightful, and frequently updated.
Published on January 26, 2006 By singrdave In Blogging
Somebody near Pluto will love my writing!

I just signed up for a web service. You may have heard of it, and you may not have. It's Blog In Space, and they will transmit your blog via parabolic antenna out into the ether, at about six gigahertz. According to their materials, your blog will reach the orbit of Pluto in about ten years.

How exciting! I will be sure to write that into my day planner.

You get a cool-looking certificate for signing up. I will post it to my blog when it comes in.

...maybe someone on planet Rupert is monitoring the internet transmissions of Earth.

UPDATE FOR 3 MARCH 2006: Got my certificate back from the Blog In Space site:

on Jan 26, 2006
You know, Planet Rupert? From Mostly Harmless, the fifth book in the Hitchhiker's Guide trilogy?

They're aliens who monitor the TV and radio transmissions of Earth while awaiting their orders to swoop in and destroy the planet.

I know, obscure reference, but I'm confident somebody will get it before reading this spoiler.
on Jan 28, 2006
Sorry to nitpick but...
transmission of anything via electromagnetic radiation occurs at the speed of light, as pluto is not 10 light years away your blog will actually take a matter of hours to get there.
Kudos for the Hitchhiker reference, I didn't get it but then I've only read the last book once.
on Jan 28, 2006
Sorry to nitpick but... transmission of anything via electromagnetic radiation occurs at the speed of light, as pluto is not 10 light years away your blog will actually take a matter of hours to get there.

Nitpick away! To think my blog's data is radiating out at a million miles a second...
on Jan 28, 2006
I hope you did not pay for this! Tsk! Just get a radio transmitter and air it! It will go as long as there is a cosmos.
on Jan 28, 2006
Free service. I mostly did it for the neat graphics that come along with it. ::
on Mar 03, 2006
UPDATE FOR 3 MARCH 2006: Got my certificate in today's email...

on Mar 03, 2006
Ummm, if you write your blog on a computer (God, I hope you do otherwise, ummmm, WTF?), it's radiating out into space regardless of any antenna. Can't be helped.

My question is, ummmm, why????? Most of the interplanetary aliens I know couldn't give a rat's aspirins about some Earth schuck's blog any more than they do about the Seinfeld show (which they find totatally banal).

You'd do better spending your time beaming your blog into the oceans for the dolphins who would really get a kick out of it.
on Mar 03, 2006
if you write your blog on a computer

OOOHHH! They have the internet on computers now! - Homer Simpson

My question is, ummmm, why?

Because it's fun and silly.

You'd do better spending your time beaming your blog into the oceans for the dolphins who would really get a kick out of it.

A fantastic gimmick for a website.
on Mar 04, 2006
i love it !. i once wrote a blog complaining that if aliens were watching our television programming, they would come to the conclusion that we here on earth are in 'evolutionary regression' ... so i say give the aliens your blogs to read - it may be our only hope of convincing them that intelligent life exists on our planet !

mig xxx