These are my random musings. Hopefully they will be witty, insightful, and frequently updated.
Source material for all things trivial
Published on October 18, 2005 By singrdave In Blogging
Try Link or try Link.

Excellent resources for truly inane and useless facts. Some stuff even I didn't know!

And I thought I was the source for all things dull and pointless, all trivialities great and small. says...
n. pl. mi·nu·ti·ae (-sh-)

A small or trivial detail: the minutiae of experimental and mathematical procedure (Frederick Turner).

So it's not only me that loves this stuff. Or remembers this stuff.

on Oct 18, 2005
I wrote a series of about 5 articles on useless facts...feel free to take a gander'll have to dig around in my index, but they're in there.
