These are my random musings. Hopefully they will be witty, insightful, and frequently updated.
singrdave's Articles In Marital Issues
January 9, 2006 by singrdave
My wife is a great cook, as my ever-increasing waistline will attest. Even with four children and a full-time employee for a husband, she can still put out four or five dinners a week and send me to work the next day with leftovers. And it's good, tasty, variety-filled food, too. Her mother was an okay cook; she served up a new meal every night with leftovers once or twice a week. Our family typically eats out more than once a week, as well. Usually fast food, mostly because of busy ...
May 17, 2006 by singrdave
It's a small world after all. I'm clear in Maryland, and guess who I find? A friend of mine that I work with said to me yesterday, "So you're from Arizona, huh? There's a couple in my neighborhood that's from Arizona. Their names are James and Jan _____." Turns out Jan is my ex-girlfriend from college, the girl I probably would have married had I gone another way. I've never met her husband, but apparently they have been married about as long as my wife and I have, they have multi...