So I found this online this morning. It just shows me that celebrities can never win elections. "Celebrities with Opinions" -------------------------------------------- Director Rob Reiner and actor Warren Beatty are well known to California voters if either decides to run for governor next year, but a poll shows they aren't particularly well liked. A Field Poll released Tuesday rates the name recognition and images of announced and possible candidates for seven statewide offices ...
With rising public frustration with the war and rising approval ratings for GWB, the Democratic National Committee issued a memo last week telling them how to react and respond to Republican threats... From the Washington Post: ...a strategy memo to DLC supporters last week warning party leaders not to use Bush's problems as an invitation to call for an immediate U.S. withdrawal from Iraq, or generally to steer a more liberal course that could alienate the middle-of-the-road voters th...
In a shocking betrayal of character, Sen. Hillary Clinton is showing the world just how she feels. Instead of well-scripted, calculated image construction to help her appeal to center and right-ish elements within America, she lashed out at Republicans, lumping them into the same camp as "slave-era plantation owners". But I'll let you read for yourself... From the New York Daily News : WASHINGTON - Hillary Clinton's painstakingly crafted campaign to soften her limousine liberal pedi...
I was going to append this to my "Hillary Shows Her Stripes" article, but I decided that this was worthy of its own thread... Read on, good JUser, regarding the crafted candidacy of Hillary Clinton. Here comes Hillary again, crafting her presidential ambitions in front of Jane Pauley, of all people. You know, for someone who hasn't formally announced her candidacy, she sure sounds like a contender... From : Americans are growing 'impatient" as they wait for a wo...
From Sunday's Meet the Press , Murtha and Russert having a sit-down. Apparently the good Mr. Murtha is on crack: MR. RUSSERT: You say redeploy. Again, Mr. Rove challenges that comment. Let's listen and give you again a chance to respond to the White House. (Videotape, Monday): MR. ROVE: Congressman Murtha said, "Let's redeploy them immediately to another country in the Middle East. Let's get out of Iraq and go to another country." My question is, what country would take us? Wha...
Call this the "Non-Binding Congress." They have an incredible willingness to spend inordinate amounts of money (time is money, people!) on the Non-Binding Resolutions of our time: Iraq, Alberto Gonzales, blah blah and more blah. This "vote of no confidence" in the Attorney General (which failed, BTW) is the latest in a string of ineffective parliamentary procedure. The Democrats received a mandate from the people for change, which Pelosi and crew gladly took up. They claimed their tenur...
John Edwards: 2004 Presidential primary candidate, then Vice Presidential candidate with John Kerry. He's campaigning again. This time he's positioning himself as a populist, appealing to middle-class and lower-class voters with his progressive policy stances on Iraq, health care, poverty, and the hue and cry of global warming. His policy stances: Iraq: American troops out of Iraq immediately. Overnight reduction of 40,000-50,000... followed by an "orderly and complete" withdra...
Actors Ben Affleck, Quentin Tarantino, Warren Beatty, Annette Benning, Forrest Whitaker, Edward Norton, and Susan Sarandon as well as musicians Kanye West, Pharrell Williams, and Wyclef Jean have all been confirmed as attending the DNC convention in Denver this August. Alice Cooper said it best: "When I was a kid and my parents started talking about politics, I'd run to my room and put on the Rolling Stones as loud as I could. So when I see all these rock stars up there talking politics, it ...
Why is it that I get such amazing questions from my friends? This letter is from a wonderful Italian girl who was a foreign exchange student at my high school. She's now married and lives in Egypt, spending her days scuba diving with her instructor husband and apparently talking about American domestic policy. ---------------------------------------------- Everybody is talking about it ... and ... I don't have a real opinion yet! HELP!!!! I need some insider info. Now, we E...
Thank you SGT Andy Cockrell! Your undying loathing of Carter was the inspiration for this article... Well, the world seems to think that everything is George W. Bush's fault. Nope, guys. It goes much farther back than that, trust me on this. Follow my logic, if you will back to 1977... Sources: Information Please ; Inflation Rates from Economic History Resources 1977: Carter pardons Vietnam draft evaders. This totally empowered an entire movement to think that civil disobe...