These are my random musings. Hopefully they will be witty, insightful, and frequently updated.
Scary personal ad
Published on January 20, 2006 By singrdave In Humor
Real personal ad: (honest!)

"Among my interests are music and tanning..."

State the obvious, why dontcha?

Is this girl well? Does she need to sit down?

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jan 20, 2006
That is unhealthy. Seriously unhealthy.
on Jan 20, 2006
Cant get the picture to display!
on Jan 20, 2006
How do you like your prom dates? Rare or well done?
on Jan 20, 2006

I saw a chich who looked a LOT like that in WalGreens today.  I wanted to ask her if she thought looking like a leather purse was REALLY attractive.

These girls are going to look like hell in 10 or so years.  Don't they understand that?

on Jan 20, 2006
can't see the picture
on Jan 21, 2006

Does that help those of you who couldn't see it before?

on Jan 21, 2006

Does that help those of you who couldn't see it before?

Very much.  But how do we know she is not dark complected anyway?  She has dark hair.

BTW:  I work with a lady who is mid 30s and leathery. As is my sister.  Neither are dark complected.

on Jan 22, 2006
What's sad is what does that say about you when your interests are tanning? Get a hobby or a life. Tanning consists of laying there. Why not just say one of your interests is sleeping. Talk about showing zero personality. What's scary is some guy is sitting there going - yeah, I really dig tan chicks. I'm going to contact her. Crazy.

um - giggle, my interests include brushing my hair, getting dressed, tanning - lame-o, lame
on Jan 22, 2006
Very much. But how do we know she is not dark complected anyway? She has dark hair

I can say with 95% certainty that that is NOT her natural hair color, and that the shade of her skin is due to a tanning bed. Or a bottle. Natural tans (ones that you get from being in the sun during the summer months) do NOT look like that.

She's colored her hair and her skin. Ick.
on Jan 22, 2006
Very much. But how do we know she is not dark complected anyway? She has dark hair

I can say with 95% certainty that that is NOT her natural hair color, and that the shade of her skin is due to a tanning bed. Or a bottle. Natural tans (ones that you get from being in the sun during the summer months) do NOT look like that.

She's colored her hair and her skin. Ick.

I dunno....looks good to me!
on Jan 22, 2006
Thanks Dharma, it was working when I logged off on Friday.
on Jan 22, 2006

Natural tans (ones that you get from being in the sun during the summer months) do NOT look like that.

Having travelled the world, I am not sure what natural tans look like.  But I will take your word for it.  Since the ad tends to agree with you!  I had to go back and reread the original after so long a time!

But hey!  She has nothing on you!

on Jan 22, 2006
I work with a lady who is mid 30s and leathery

I think 'leathery' is the keyword here!
on Jan 22, 2006
I always got comments from friends that I would look a lot "healthier" if I would tan. Well, they all have the leather look now and I don't (you don't have to take my word for it. You can see pictures of me on Brad's site). One, that I know of, even wound up getting skin cancer! That does not scream "healthy" to me.

Some people do just have naturally dark skin but those people don't usually make a hobby of tanning
on Jan 23, 2006
I believe dharma is correct on at least the tan. It's way to even to be a real one. More than likely it came out of a bottle.
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