You've already got a jockstrap, so the only other thing I can advise you to do it to stock up on bags of frozen peas. They're cheaper than ice packs, and they form to your *ahem* man parts better so they provide the cold where it's most needed.
Dave had valium before his and percocet after. I recall him sitting on the couch with frozen peas on his 'nads, counting his pills and saying 'I can be stoned for 5 whole days if I play it right!' with an delirious look on his face.
He doesn't remember any of it, of course.
I wish I could say I feel for you, but as I don't have balls....I can't. I can tell you how I pushed out a 9lb baby with no paid meds if you like, though!
Dave will be home tomorrow, I'll ask him if he has any advice for you.
BWAHAHAHAHAHAH! That made me snort coffee out of my nose! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!