These are my random musings. Hopefully they will be witty, insightful, and frequently updated.
The knife awaits
Published on December 20, 2005 By singrdave In Surgery
The 'V' Word For Men
Having an operation involving the testicles is every man's fear. To a greater or lesser degree, just about every man would rather not have anything to do with a procedure on or near his genital region. Simply recognizing that this fear exists is a first step.

Many men recognize that having a vasectomy could be the best solution for their personal or family situation, and that their short-term fear is offset by a long-term benefit for themselves and their spouse. Having the procedure is likely to be a family decision, but it is ultimately a significant step that the man can take to contribute to the couple's ongoing relationship.

My previous article stated that I was about to undergo the Big V: Vasectomy.
I realized that after twelve years of marriage and four children, it was time to stop breeding.
My kids are great, they truly are. But four "is enough... to fill our lives with love!" (Name that tune!)

So I went and saw the Maryland Urology Associates today.

Met with Dr. Nikhil Steth, because unfortunately Dr. Shpritz was on vacation for Christmas. Dr. Steth was a nice enough guy, for a urologist.

So there he was, gloves on and ready to inspect. In the Christmas spirit, I unwrapped my package and allowed him to handle the merchandise.

(My wife just came over at this point and asked me why I would want to share this. A better question may be why would anyone want to read this?)

A vasectomy procedure includes a local anesthetic that completely numbs the area. Therefore, there should be no feeling or a slight pulling sensation during the procedure itself. Many patients report mild discomfort for the first day or two after the anesthetic wears off. This is usually relieved with a prescription or over-the-counter pain medication, application of ice packs and the use of an athletic supporter.

Dr. Steth said that the testes were feelin' good and healthy. (Excellent news.) And would I be available for the procedure either this Friday or next February? He's also going out of town, back to his native India for the month of January. So it was either three days from now or six weeks.

Doctors often recommend that a patient rest following the procedure and avoid strenuous activity or heavy lifting for two or three days. Individuals can usually return to work within three days, and most patients say they feel completely back to normal in about a week.

Thinking of the recovery time, and that I would be having a three-day weekend for Christmas, I opted for Friday at noon.
Perhaps I can milk it for all it's worth over the weekend. Perhaps I can also weasel an extra "vasectomy present" out of the deal. I bought an athletic supporter at Target tonight.

But here we go, under the knife.

I can still type. Blog updates to follow.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Dec 21, 2005
Yes it would be a very dry well if your initial numbers were correct. They weren't. You don't really need to wait a week, just be careful. Very, very careful
on Dec 21, 2005
Dave: My Dave says "Take it easy" and "don't push yourself or you'll regret it". My words of wisdom? "Drugs are our friends" and "Listen to your body".

Oh, and be sure to get the 6 weel sperm count done. That's really important. I know it sucks, having to whack off into a jar (That was the worst part for Dave, I think).....but it's the only way your doc will know if he did a good job or not.

Chin up, mate. It'll be over before you know it.
on Dec 21, 2005
Thanks, dharm... I appreciate your hubby's words and even Geezer's gentle goodnatured ribbing... wait, that sounds like a condom ad.
I am still nervous and kinda jittery about the whole thing, but I know my goodies are in excellent hands. (Wait, now I sound like...)
on Dec 22, 2005
My wife came home from the grocery store with two bags of frozen peas, just for me. This is not going to be a good holiday weekend.

BTW, to clarify: the literature I am reading is wrong after all: it says, "When you have an orgasm, you ejaculate semen, which is 98% sperm."

A-ha! It then goes on to say that "you will have no noticeable difference in the amount of fluid ejaculated at orgasm..." But with 98% of it gone, that's like turning on the faucet and only getting drips.

Yeah, I'm sure that was a typo. I'm sure it meant to say 2% sperm and 98% semen.
on Dec 22, 2005
The 'V' freaks me out.
We have 2 kids and my wife has told me we are done.

She is hoping I could get the 'V' and finish things off, but I can not bring myself to do this!
I have a hard enough time getting a shot and i am in my 30s, i can't even imagine getting that done.
on Dec 22, 2005
I have a hard enough time getting a shot and i am in my 30s, i can't even imagine getting that done.

I'm 35, so the age thing is not a big deal.
I'm not saying that this was an easy decision at all, I'm just saying that this is what we thought was best for our family.
It's something that you and your lovely bride will have to decide for yourselves. But my wife is thanking me and thanking me for not making her go through the tubal ligation surgery.
on Dec 22, 2005
Valium is your friend!
After 10 Mg orally, wait 45 minutes, needles anywhere! Who cares?
on Dec 22, 2005

My wife came home from the grocery store with two bags of frozen peas, just for me. This is not going to be a good holiday weekend.

Hey,like I said, it will probably be nothing.  But make sure you get a LOT of TLC from the wife for your GREAT Sacrifice!

on Dec 22, 2005
Tomorrow (Friday), 12:30 pm, is the magic time.

I will try to blog on the topic as best I can. Vicodin will be provided.

"I was dreamin' when I wrote this, forgive me if it goes astray..." (Name that tune!)
on Sep 01, 2006
I had it done and there was NOTHING to it- having my wisdom teeth cut out was worse! I didn't take so much as an aspirin afterwards and all I did was sit around the house in jogging pants and watch TV.

Don't sweat it, man. It ain't no big deal and you'll be fine.
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