These are my random musings. Hopefully they will be witty, insightful, and frequently updated.
The worst films ever made - a JU list
Published on August 20, 2007 By singrdave In Movies & TV & Books
My list of worst films ever made:

Drop Dead Fred

Double Team

Highlander 2: The Quickening

The Forgotten

See No Evil, Hear No Evil

Grease 2

Any additions?

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on Aug 20, 2007
I'm sure we can all have a good collective wince.
on Aug 20, 2007
Baby Geniuses

anything Ernest which my boys happen to love and find incredibly hilarious

Music and Lyrics, the Holiday, Just my Luck,
on Aug 20, 2007
The Upside of Anger

I was recently punished with that one.
on Aug 20, 2007
Just my Luck

Aagh, I forgot that one. I was forced to sit through that piece of drivel on a trans-Atlantic flight. There was nowhere to run!
on Aug 20, 2007
"I was forced to sit through that piece of drivel on a trans-Atlantic flight."

Just your luck, huh?
on Aug 20, 2007
Just your luck, huh?

Ya got me there, Jythier. Nice one.
on Aug 20, 2007
Hmmm, I am trying to remember movies that were really atrocius, ones I was actually sorry I saw.  The only one that jumps to mind was Mission to Mars.  Awful, horrible movie. 
on Aug 20, 2007
99% of those adapted from outstanding books, novels, journalistic pieces, etc.

three of these come to mind immediately:

'fear & loathing in las vegas'

'naked lunch'

'little big man'

(if you haven't read thomas berger's book, you're missing out on something great)

on Aug 20, 2007
on Aug 20, 2007
Mission to Mars

Wasn't that based on the Disney ride? I guess it worked for Pirates of the Caribbean...
on Aug 20, 2007

By far the worst movie I have EVER watched is Boys Don't Cry with Hillary Swank.  I didn't like anything about it...and she is way too pretty to ever pass as a guy, no matter how tough she thinks she is....hahahaha.

I loved Drop Dead Fred though.  So there ya go.

on Aug 20, 2007
For me personally, any of the "comedy" Jim Carry movies. To me they are just disgusting. Well, except for maybe Bruce Almighty which was a little better.

I also don't really like many of the "end of the world" movies(asteroid crashing in to earth, aliens taking over, volcanoes out of control, giant tidal waves ect.). They are so predictable.
on Aug 20, 2007
Of the movies listed, I like Grease II and Mission to Mars. As for Highlander 2 I enjoyed "The Renegade Version" more than the original Highlander, which I didn't care for at all. I've never seen the original "The Quickening" version.

Wasn't that based on the Disney ride? I guess it worked for Pirates of the Caribbean

No, it's a 2001: A Space Odyssey rip-off.

and she is way too pretty to ever pass as a guy, no matter how tough she thinks she is....hahahaha.

I admit, I think Hillary Swank is hot. I actually sat through Karate Kid 4 just to watch her.

Oooo, ooo, ooo! There is a truly awful movie! The Next Karate Kid.

Some other additions for the list:

Arthur 2: On the Rocks I love the original, but this johnny-come-lately sequel is dreadful.
The remake of The Fog. I consider the original a classic, the remake almost sent me home to commit suicide. I did go right home and slip in the DVD of the original, just to purge myself. Quite possibly the worst movie I've ever seen -- and that's saying something.
Red Dawn could have been a fun adventure movie about kids kicking Ruskie hiney, instead turns out to be a dark, boring, pretentious mess. Sinks itself by playing it straight, as if a group of untrained high school kids could devastate the Russian Army. Uh-huh.
The Crow 2 the less said the better.
Cannonball Run II Which I actually saw in a theater, but only because it was a double feature with Conan the Destroyer (which is bad, but I like it anyway -- Mmmm, Grace Jones -- so leave me alone).
Smokey and the Bandit Part 3 which doesn't have Burt Reynolds, except in a bizarre cameo at the very end. Okay, virtually anything with Burt Reynolds in the 80's (with the possible exception of The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas) and definitely anything directed by Hal Needham, except the original Smokey and the Bandit.

Hmmm, with the exception of Red Dawn I've named all sequels and remakes....

And to add to the really bad movies that I love: The Fiendish Plot of Dr. Fu Manchu. Peter Sellers, Helen Mirren, Fu Manchu, and a kidnapped lawn mower! What more needs to be said? (Not to mention Sid Caesar 20 years past his prime. This film actually ends with Peter Sellers as Fu Manchu singing his idea of a "rock" song that will enslave the world: "Rock-a-Fu." "From San Francisco to Peking/Confucius say this cat's the king!/The cops they tell you I ain't nice/But Fu knows how to fry that rice." What's not to love?) The Academy obviously never saw this film, or Helen Mirren never would have won that Oscar.
on Aug 21, 2007
The remake of The Fog. I consider the original a classic, the remake almost sent me home to commit suicide. I did go right home and slip in the DVD of the original, just to purge myself. Quite possibly the worst movie I've ever seen -- and that's saying something.

I have never been a John Carpenter fan. Did I put They Live on my original list? Oh well, I'm adding it now.

The Fiendish Plot of Dr. Fu Manchu. Peter Sellers, Helen Mirren, Fu Manchu, and a kidnapped lawn mower!

I saw that too in theaters, but I remember absolutely nothing about it. Maybe it'll appear on my Netflix queue.

The Academy obviously never saw this film, or Helen Mirren never would have won that Oscar.

I'm convinced that Eddie Murphy lost the Oscar for Dreamgirls because Norbit came out during voting.
on Aug 21, 2007
They Live rocked Dave!
Armageddon was probably the worst movie I have ever sat through. Or was it that Batman movie with Uma, Arnie and Alicia? The one where the Batsuit had nipples. That was three hours out of my life I'll never get back.

My kids loved the Mission to mars flick. Note: they were young, so they can't be held responsible.
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