These are my random musings. Hopefully they will be witty, insightful, and frequently updated.
singrdave's Articles In Health & Medicine
July 31, 2007 by singrdave
Fat people will still get health care, but they will be penalized under this new system. As introduced by Clarian Health Partners in Indiana, obese people will be penalized for their "lifestyle choices". From today's Baltimore Sun : Looking for new ways to trim the fat and boost workers' health, some employers are starting to make overweight employees pay if they don't slim down. Others, citing growing medical costs tied to obesity, are offering fit workers lucrative incentives that...
June 6, 2006 by singrdave
Apparently anyone who has "road rage", a "short fuse", or has children is just simply suffering from "Intermittent Explosive Disorder" ("IED"). Fantastic, another way to absolve myself from all the things I do that might be perceived as wrong. From the Independent On Line : Chicago - If you've witnessed someone become enraged beyond what seems called for, or have gotten unnecessarily angry oneself, you are not alone, researchers said on Monday. Sixteen million American adults...
January 26, 2006 by singrdave
Did you know that Teflon has harsh chemicals that can cause brith defects and cancer? Neither did I. But I have Teflon pans and cookware. My wife and I eat food from them evey day. We feed it to our children. Is this a real threat or is it just a product of our ligitgious and overreactive society? Health warning or scare? You be the judge. From today's Washington Post : Eight U.S. companies, including giant DuPont Co., agreed yesterday to virtually eliminate a harm...
December 2, 2005 by singrdave
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