Disproving Iraq invasion 'evidence' off the top of my head
Found this article at the Independent.co.uk:
It is complete garbage, and I'll tell you why after the article.
George Bush considered provoking a war with Saddam Hussein's regime by flying a United States spyplane over Iraq bearing UN colours, enticing the Iraqis to take a shot at it, according to a leaked memo of a meeting between the US President and Tony Blair.
The two leaders were worried by the lack of hard evidence that Saddam Hussein had broken UN resolutions, though privately they were convinced that he had. According to the memorandum, Mr Bush said: "The US was thinking of flying U2 reconnaissance aircraft with fighter cover over Iraq, painted in UN colours. If Saddam fired on them, he would be in breach."
The memo damningly suggests the decision to invade Iraq had already been made when Mr Blair and the US President met in Washington on 31 January 2003 Â when the British Government was still working on obtaining a second UN resolution to legitimise the conflict.
The leaders discussed the prospects for a second resolution, but Mr Bush said: "The US would put its full weight behind efforts to get another resolution and would 'twist arms' and 'even threaten'. But he had to say that if ultimately we failed, military action would follow anyway." He added that he had a date, 10 March, pencilled in for the start of military action. The war actually began on 20 March.
Mr Blair replied that he was "solidly with the President and ready to do whatever it took to disarm Saddam." But he also insisted that " a second Security Council resolution would provide an insurance policy against the unexpected, and international cover, including with the Arabs" .
This is complete and utter bullcrap. I can say this with a great degree of certainty, for the following reasons:
1. A U2 aircraft flies far above the limit of a surface-to-air or air defense missile. 70,000 feet (approx.) is a long way for a targeting computer or a missile.
2. You can't see the "UN Colors" of a U2 aircraft, especially from the ground. If you can see anything at all, it's a streak of contrail. Again with the 70,000 feet... you'd have to be the Six-Million Dollar Man to view the flag on the side of a U2.
3. Saddam's air defense had been taking potshots at Operation Northern Watch and Southern Watch aircraft for many many years. If the "coalition of the willing" was trying to make a case based on Saddam firing one missile at one plane, then they could have invaded in 1994.