These are my random musings. Hopefully they will be witty, insightful, and frequently updated.
This is used way more than we think
Published on January 28, 2006 By singrdave In Philosophy
Found Arthur Schopenauer's book "The Art of Controversy" on the web in its entirety. In both English and its original German.

Some chapter headings:

Generalize your Opponent's Specific Statements

Conceal Your Game

Make Your Opponent Angry

Generalize Admissions of Specific Cases

Claim Victory Despite Defeat

Generalize the Matter, Then Argue Against it

State a False Syllogism

Find One Instance to The Contrary

Turn The Tables

Anger Indicates a Weak Point

Persuade the Audience, Not The Opponent

Put His Thesis Into Some Odious Category

Bewilder Your Opponent by Mere Bombast

Sound like some JUsers? Or some political talking heads? Hmmm... coincidence? I think not. I think ol' Schopenauer gets used all the time these days.

on Jan 28, 2006
Study and apply in discourse!
on Jan 28, 2006
Sounds like a lot of them.  But I refuse to allow them to turn the tables, on my blog at least.  On others, hey!  have fun!