Opening his mouth against Canada's popular will
It was bound to happen sooner or later - Michael Moore's ritual destruction of politics, this time on both sides of the border. Now he's into Canadian electoral interference.

Next time Moore comes to Canada, he should be charged with violating the Canada Elections Act s. 331:
331. No person who does not reside in Canada shall, during an election period, in any way induce electors to vote or refrain from voting or vote or refrain from voting for a particular candidate unless the person is
(a) a Canadian citizen; or
a permanent resident within the meaning of subsection 2(1) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.
2000, c. 9, s. 331; 2001, c. 27, s. 211.
Michael Moore publicly announced this statement Friday:
Oh, Canada -- you're not really going to elect a Conservative majority on Monday, are you? That's a joke, right?
These are no ordinary times, and as you go to the polls on Monday, you do so while a man running the nation to the south of you is hoping you can lend him a hand by picking Stephen Harper because he's a man who shares his world view. Do you want to help George Bush by turning Canada into his latest conquest? Is that how you want millions of us down here to see you from now on? The next notch in the cowboy belt? C'mon, where's your Canadian pride? I mean, if you're going to reduce Canada to a cheap download of Bush & Co., then at least don't surrender so easily. Can't you wait until he threatens to bomb Regina? Make him work for it, for Pete's sake.
But seriously, I know you're not going to elect a guy who should really be running for governor of Utah. Whew! I knew it! You almost had me there. Very funny. Don't do that again. God, I love you, you crazy cold wonderful neighbors to my north. Don't ever change.
Michael Moore
Could it be any more clear that Moore is inducing people not to vote for Stephen Harper, a guy who "should really be running for governor of Utah", not the Prime Minister of Canada? As Moore is not a Canadian citizen, he is not entitled by Canadian law to influence this election. For all those free speech types out there, this is seen as a restriction of right. Sure, it may be. But it is the law. And for all those who respect the rule of law should have no problem condemning Moore. After all, the elections laws have so far held up in Court, with the Courts saying that the government has a right to restrict freedom of speech in an election (specifically, the restriction of publishing Atlantic results in the BC time zone before their polls close).
People like Moore ought to be charged when they come up to Canada.