These are my random musings. Hopefully they will be witty, insightful, and frequently updated.
Alienating Right, Left, and Center
Published on January 17, 2006 By singrdave In Democrat
In a shocking betrayal of character, Sen. Hillary Clinton is showing the world just how she feels. Instead of well-scripted, calculated image construction to help her appeal to center and right-ish elements within America, she lashed out at Republicans, lumping them into the same camp as "slave-era plantation owners". But I'll let you read for yourself...

From the New York Daily News:

WASHINGTON - Hillary Clinton's painstakingly crafted campaign to soften her limousine liberal pedigree for 2008 hit a speed bump in Harlem yesterday.
Ever since being elected to the Senate, New York's junior senator has strived to persuade moderate and independent voters she's not just another Hollywood lefty.

But her likening of House Republican leaders to slave-era plantation overseers at least momentarily complicates her move-to-the-middle blueprint.

"The use of the word 'plantation' is terribly unwise," said Larry Sabato, director of the University of Virginia's Center for Politics. "It will just reinforce the view most Americans have of Hillary Clinton as being very liberal."

It could have been worse, Sabato added: "At least she didn't mention Hitler."

She is really trying to remold her image from the one constructed during her husband's tenure as President. While Bill was in office, she spearheaded the (thankfully) abortive attempt to standardize and socialize health care in the US, as well as being an outspoken advocate for pet causes. Don't forget her cuddling up with Hollywood liberals like Linda Bloodworth-Thomason and her ilk. (There's that word again! I love that word!)

Her image makeover was always calculated and had shown very few cracks:

Like President Bush in 2000, the senator aims to win the White House by pulling off a tricky centrist makeover. Her rightward tilt includes backing the Iraq invasion, calling abortion "a tragic choice," sponsoring a bill to make flag-burning a crime and pushing for a crackdown on violent video games.

It's no accident that she has also co-sponsored legislation with many of the GOP senators who voted to remove her husband from office - including Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C), an impeachment manager as a House member. She's even teamed up with former nemesis Newt Gingrich to push computerized medical records reform.

From her high-profile perch on the Armed Services Committee, Clinton is a hawk on many national security issues. The National Journal last year ranked her one of the most conservative Democratic senators on foreign policy.

I think what gets me the most is that Bill Clinton was the master of never saying a word that wasn't cleverly scripted and false. To have Hillary lashing out like this is inconsistent with what I saw as the 'Clinton character'.

Will this incident be the outing of a non-reformed liberal? Or just a speed bump in her road to the White House?

Comments (Page 2)
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on Jan 19, 2006
#1 by Island Dog
Tuesday, January 17, 2006

[Island Dog]
Just imagine if a republican said anything like this. The media would be going crazy, but since it's Hillary (a democrat) they get the usual race pass.

1994 Nute Gingridge said the VERY SAME THING about how the House was being run!
on Jan 19, 2006
1994 Nute Gingridge said the VERY SAME THING about how the House was being run!

COL, I would love to see that link, since I could not find any quote like that. Quite the opposite, in fact, because a Google search on "Newt Gingrich 1994 racist" came up with this article on the 1994 year in review from the Boston Globe:

1994 was replete with such anti-conservative smears. As long as they go unchallenged, they will continue. So let's blow the whistle on some of the ugliest personal fouls liberals committed in the year gone by.

The Left's whipping-boy of the year, hands down, was Gingrich. Herblock, the famed cartoonist, depicted him sailing a garbage can out of a sewer. Sunni Khalid of NPR declared that Gingrich is seeking "a more scientific, a more civil way of lynching people." A quick NEXIS search turns up more than seven dozen stories linking Gingrich to Joseph McCarthy.

In a cataract of abuse titled "Newt Gingrich, Authoritarian," the New York Times indicted his "race-based" politics. "A proxy for race-baiting," chimed in New York Magazine's Jacob Weisberg, adding: "George Wallace was big in rural Georgia, too." And Sam Donaldson of ABC accused Gingrich of bigotry to his face: "A lot of people are afraid of you... Worse, you're an intolerant bigot."

That article is very revelatory, because it shows that 1994 was just as bad as today. Replete with anti-Republican epithets and namecalling. Especially race-baiting and bigotry implied by the left.

on Jan 19, 2006
994 Nute Gingridge said the VERY SAME THING about how the House was being run!

His name is Newt.

Can you please post the entire quote with a link? You are not very credible otherwise.
on Jan 22, 2006
Just imagine if a republican said anything like this. The media would be going crazy, but since it's Hillary (a democrat) they get the usual race pass.

But just a year or two ago, the Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott was forced out of his office for implying off-handedly that a certain ex-Segregationist Senator should've been President. It was during a celebration for Sen. Strom Thurmond (who had significantly changed his politics in the intervening 30+ years), and Sen. Lott was merely trying to honor his achievements. His remark was unintentionally offensive to some, but it was at worst a gaffe. However, he was drummed out of party leadership by the uproar from the Democrats (among other groups), who demanded his resignation on the basis that, even if it was unintentional, it was proof that he really had racist tendencies at heart.

This reminds me of just how hypocritical and selectively blind people in politics are.
I have heard no one calling for Hillary's head over this. Instead all I have heard are her defenders.
on Jan 22, 2006

Instead all I have heard are her defenders.

You expected less when they Defend Sheets byrd use of the term 'nigger'?

As long as you kowtow to the liberal (white) massas, they got no problem with what you denigrate anyone as.

on Jan 22, 2006
Is it because Dems are supposedly "in touch" with the needs of the black man? And that Republicans are the "massas"?
This is ridiculous. The hypocrisy overwhelms me.
on Jan 22, 2006
Can you please post the entire quote with a link? You are not very credible otherwise.

Here is the quote from Newt, it's from the Washington Post on 10/20/94. Feel free to search through their archives to find it.

“I clearly fascinate them,” Gingrich said of the Democrats. “I’m much more intense, much more persistent, much more willing to take risks to get it done. Since they think it is their job to run the plantation, it shocks them that I’m actually willing to lead the slave rebellion.”

Here are some more "plantation quotes" from conservatives;

Neal Boortz;

From the January 10, 2005, edition of The Neal Boortz Show:

BOORTZ: One of the reasons that Armstrong Williams is under such heat, by the way, is that the No Child Left Behind Act is not popular with liberals. Neither are black conservatives. He has strayed from the plantation. He must be punished. And anybody that promotes the idea of school vouchers must be punished because liberals, of course, need to maintain their death grip on education. How else are young people indoctrinated into the wholesomeness and the sanctity of the state?

Ann Coulter (who has completely ripped Hillary for her plantation remark);

From the December 8, 2004, edition of Fox News' The O'Reilly Factor:

COULTER: They [liberals] feel like they have blacks on the plantation, they can say whatever they like. And, interestingly, you don't even hear Hispanic conservatives attacked in the same way that people like [then-National Security Adviser] Condoleezza Rice and [Supreme Court Justice] Clarence Thomas are, and -- and, I mean, just look at it. Look at what the Democrats' minority leader [Harry Reid D-NV] in the Senate said this weekend. He praises [Supreme Court Justice Antonin] Scalia as "Oh, he's one smart guy, and his opinions, can't dispute the logic, though I disagree with them," and then he says of Clarence Thomas "He's an embarrassment. His opinions -- they're just poorly written."

Oliver North;

From the July 6, 2000, edition of MSNBC's Equal Time:

NORTH: It's disingenuous and deceptive because what George W. Bush wants to do is encourage the entrepreneurial class of middle-income blacks who can rise up above being kept on a Democrat plantation of welfare.

There are several more also. Were you guys so offended when these incidents went down? Oh, you probably didn't know about all these because the liberal MSM buried these incidents to protect the conservatives.

on Jan 23, 2006
Neal Boortz;

From the January 10, 2005, edition of The Neal Boortz Show:

BOORTZ: One of the reasons that Armstrong Williams is under such heat, by the way, is that the No Child Left Behind Act is not popular with liberals. Neither are black conservatives. He has strayed from the plantation. He must be punished. And anybody that promotes the idea of school vouchers must be punished because liberals, of course, need to maintain their death grip on education. How else are young people indoctrinated into the wholesomeness and the sanctity of the state?

You choked on this one. I listen to Neal and he is not a conservative.
on Jan 23, 2006
You choked on this one. I listen to Neal and he is not a conservative.

I didn't "choke" on anything. I didn't say he was a Republican, he's a proclaimed Libertarian, although he falls in closer with Republicans than Democrats on most issues. I used him as an example that it's not only Liberals/Democrats that have used the plantation reference. I'm very familiar with him and his views, and he's much closer to being a conservative than a liberal, but that's splitting hairs.
on Jan 23, 2006
You choked on this one. I listen to Neal and he is not a conservative.

I didn't "choke" on anything. I didn't say he was a Republican, he's a proclaimed Libertarian, although he falls in closer with Republicans than Democrats on most issues. I used him as an example that it's not only Liberals/Democrats that have used the plantation reference. I'm very familiar with him and his views, and he's much closer to being a conservative than a liberal, but that's splitting hairs.

Give it up! You choked! You called him a conservative which even "you" admit he's not!

Here are some more "plantation quotes" from conservatives;

Neal Boortz;

From the January 10, 2005, edition of The Neal Boortz Show:

BOORTZ: One of the reasons that Armstrong Williams is under such heat, by the way, is that the No Child Left Behind Act is not popular with liberals. Neither are black conservatives. He has strayed from the plantation. He must be punished. And anybody that promotes the idea of school vouchers must be punished because liberals, of course, need to maintain their death grip on education. How else are young people indoctrinated into the wholesomeness and the sanctity of the state?

And just an fyi....try reading a little better! I NEVER made the claim that you called him a republican!
on Jan 23, 2006
You called him a conservative which even "you" admit he's not!

Where did I admit that he's not? Are you saying that a Libertarian cannot be a conservative?
on Jan 23, 2006
On MSNBC's Countdown show on Wednesday night, while host Keith Olbermann attacked Atlanta-based syndicated conservative radio talk show host Neal Boortz, a photograph of former Democratic Senator Max Cleland of Georgia was mistakenly displayed on-screen. Link

Neal Boortz is rude, insensitive, and will probably offend you at some point during the show; and his listeners wouldn't have it any other way!

We're not sure if it's his "winning" personality, conservative outlook (though he's a Libertarian), or just the fact that Neal is fun to listen to!

The show is called the "Rude Awakening" for a reason: Neal isn't afraid of offending someone to be politically correct, and that can make some folks mighty uncomfortable. He tells it like it is. After all, someone has got to to say it!Link

Neal Boortz is a popular syndicated talk show host based in Atlanta. The conservative commentator is heard weekdays by four million listeners across the nation on over 150 radio stations. Along with Georgia congressman John Linder, he's the author of the new book, “The FairTax Book.”Link

"Anyone that is being remotely honest with themselves can see that the mainstream media is an absolutely liberal institution," writes conservative radio talk show host Neal Boortz in a recent blog entry defending DeLay.Link

I could go on and on, but like I's splitting hairs. And it doesn't change the premise of my argument.
on Jan 23, 2006
Atlanta-based syndicated conservative radio talk show host Neal Boortz

I don't know enough about Boortz' show or his opinions to talk clearly or definitively about his stances, but this is what I have discovered from his website...
He's absolutely a conservative. He rails on the Democrats all the time. He may be a libertarian in name only (LINO?) but he sure sounds like a screeding conservative.

And it doesn't change the premise of my argument.

You're right, whether or not Boortz is a conservative at heart does not change the tenor of your post. Which is that both parties/ideologies bandy about the word "plantation" with no hesitation.

But isn't this latest use of the word is a departure from Hillary's carefully constructed facade of centrism? That she's alienating the very people she's trying to court?
on Jan 23, 2006
You do realize Coulter, Boortz, and North are not elected officials. Someone already mentioned that people were calling for Newt's resignation about his comments.

So the big question is why isn't there an outrage in the media about this?
on Jan 23, 2006
You do realize Coulter, Boortz, and North are not elected officials.

Aye, ID, there's the rub.

We can't call for the impeachment or the resignation of people who aren't elected officials... well, we could, but it wouldn't do any good.

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