These are my random musings. Hopefully they will be witty, insightful, and frequently updated.
So how do YOU serve the Lord?
Published on January 6, 2006 By singrdave In Religion
In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we serve the church by holding "callings". We are "called" to serve in various capacities within our "ward" (congregation), all the way from childrens' Sunday school ("Primary") teacher all the way up to President of the Church (the head honcho in SLC).

The time commitment varies with the level of the responsibility, but one can expect it to take about as many hours per week as an active hobby, like scrapbooking or sports.

None of us are paid (we have a lay clergy) but we serve all the same, getting those intangible benefits of service to others and service to God.
That includes missionaries, which I chronicled in my article The Life of a Mormon Missionary. They go out for two years on their own dime to preach the Gospel.

I have served as an Elders' Quorum (adult men's organization) President, Gospel Doctrine teacher (adult Sunday School), Scoutmaster (no translation necessary), Choir Director, and various callings in the Primary, including Music Leader.

The reason I am wondering what callings y'all have had or currently hold is because I just got a new calling. It's kind of a biggie, as it means I will be getting a "promotion" to another level of the priesthood. I have been called as the 1st assistant in the High Priests' Group Leadership for our ward. The High Priests are usually older, though I am only 35. (I feel old, if that has anything to do with it...) I will be ordained as a High Priest this Sunday by my father-in-law, who is coming to our house for the occasion.

So anyway, gimme some information! You LDS folk out there in JU-land, give a shout-out for your callings! What do you do, and what do you like about it? My favorite calling so far is Gospel Doctrine teacher (my previous calling). Excellent and fun. I love teaching, though I find it challenging. Both teacher and learner learn together, and both are edified.

on Jan 06, 2006
I am currenlty un-called. We have a very big ward, and they released me from teaching CTR 7 when I was going to be missing most Sundays for 4 months due to med school rotations and my call schedule.

But I have served in the Elder's Quorum, taught Elder's, taught in Primary, taught 12-13 year old Sunday School, been Ward Clerk, Assistant Ward Clerk, and Executive Secretary.

Best of luck with your new calling! Now you get to sleep through church and no one will wonder why. They will just say, oh, he's a High Priest now.
on Jan 06, 2006
Hey, do a bang up job for the sleepy seniors in the High Priest Group!! ;~D

Let's see:

~Ohio-Cleveland and Ohio-Akron Mission (mission got split while I was there).
~Primary Teacher (6-7 year olds) ( The first thing I taught my kids is that, if we didn't get at least 3 complaints a month for noise, I would be highly disappointed). ;~D
~Sunday School Teacher (13-14 year olds)
~Scout Master/Young Men's Second Couselor
~Sunday School Couselor
~LDS Lay Ecumenacle Minister (Army and National Guard)
~ Right now I do the Sacrement Meeting Program, Ward Website Administrator and Young Men's Secretary.

Well, those are the ones that readily come to mind.

on Jan 06, 2006
Oh, yeah, Guatemala City South mission. Forgot to put that in there.
on Jan 06, 2006
Geez, I forgot to mention specifically, though I did link my old article, served in the England London Mission from 1990-1992.
on Jan 06, 2006
Ted, when were you in Cleveland? Did you know an Elder Michael Lunt? I was best man at his wedding. I also roomed with a total lunatic named Bob Yeigh at college, and he was from West something-or-other outside Cleveland...

Now you get to sleep through church and no one will wonder why. They will just say, oh, he's a High Priest now.

YES! My wife will love that. She's always on me for nodding off in Sacrament Meeting. I guess I was just in training.
on Jan 07, 2006
Ted, when were you in Cleveland? Did you know an Elder Michael Lunt? I was best man at his wedding. I also roomed with a total lunatic named Bob Yeigh at college, and he was from West something-or-other outside Cleveland...

Nope, didn't know an Elder Lunt. It's been 22 year though. ;~D

"West Lake" is a nice area. That's where the mission home was too.
on Jan 07, 2006
Yeah, Westlake was it, I do believe. He came all the way to Arizona to go to school...
No biggie, anyway...
on Jan 10, 2006
I was a Primary Sec for 4 1/2 years in Killeen-through 4 different regime changes and the ward splitting.
Primary Teacher
Visiting Teaching Supervisor
RS 2nd Counselor
Cub Scout Commitee Chairman/Sect.