These are my random musings. Hopefully they will be witty, insightful, and frequently updated.
Don't They Know How Bad Salt Is?
Published on December 6, 2005 By singrdave In Misc
I hate salt.

Salting is the worst thing anyone can do to the roads. Driving in it is the worst thing you can do to your car. It's just bad bad bad.

First of all, it allows salty residue to build up in the undercarriage and frame of your car. Eventually your car looks like this:

Or my old car from Minnesota, where the rust wore through the underside of the paint job. It looked like it was riddled with bullet holes.

And everything around you goes to pot, as well. Examine this parking meter, after the ravages of a salty winter...

Salt is bad. And they salt here in Maryland. Yuck. And it ruins the finish on your polished shoes.

on Dec 06, 2005
Salt is bad.  But if you  bought a new car recently, they have that teflon undercoating.  So it is not too bad on the cars.  Worse is the idiots who think that black ice is a racial slur and drive like it is dry pavement!
on Dec 06, 2005
I just wash my cars a lot in winter.  Seems to do the trick.  They don't salt everywhere where it snow.  Northern Michigan, as an example, sands the roads.
on Dec 06, 2005
You wanna talk about salted roads?? The SLC stands for SALT Lake City ya know...

Last night while driving down I-15 I noticed what i thought was a fog bank on the freeway. I had my window cracked as i drove through it, and all of a sudden i could taste salt. Turns out it was pulverized salt dust on the road surface from the previous three days of snow.

They use it out here because of the plentiful supply. I wish they would use more of the de-icing spray on the freeway, instead of just the concrete overpasses.
on Dec 06, 2005

The SLC stands for SALT Lake City ya know...

That means yours is cheaper?

on Dec 06, 2005
Eventual rust beats an immediate wreck from sliding on ice...........
on Dec 06, 2005
This is why I drive an ten year old crappy car. Incidentally...the nevada sun baked my car--so the spots like on the hood where it comes up in the more paint.

on Dec 07, 2005
I wish they would use more of the de-icing spray on the freeway, instead of just the concrete overpasses.

You mean like in that horrible Christmas cartoon, Frosty Returns?

No, that actually makes me think about it... isn't too much rock salt bad for the environment? It has gotta kill something, all that chemical and saltiness...

Except in Salt Lake City. The place was built on layers and layers of hardened salt flat. All you gotta do is just look at that Lake Bonneville shoreline, halfway up the mountainside, and you'll know all Utahns live on some salty lake bed.