'Brownie' Gets Second Chance
Michael Brown, disgraced former head of FEMA, is starting a new disaster-preparedness for-profit consulting firm. I guess he figures that he's already made every concievable mistake, therefore he is the most experienced man in the room. 
From the AP and Rocky Mountain News:
Former FEMA director Michael D. Brown, criticized over his agency's slow response to Hurricane Katrina, is starting a disaster-preparedness consulting firm to help clients avoid the sort of errors that cost him his job.
"If I can help people focus on preparedness, how to be better prepared in their homes and better prepared in their businesses -- because that goes straight to the bottom line -- then I hope I can help the country in some way," Brown told the Rocky Mountain News.
In the aftermath of Katrina, critics complained about Brown's lack of formal emergency management experience and cited e-mails that later surfaced showing him as out of touch with the extent of the devastation.
This is my favorite part, where he tries to post-pre-spin his resignation from FEMA:
[Brown] conceded that while he was head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, mistakes were made in the response to Katrina. He also repeated that he had been planning to resign before the hurricane hit.