Various and sundry ways the ancients used to predict the future
And you thought numerology was the only way to enlightenment...
Alectromancy - uses letters inscribed in a circle, selected by rooster pecking grain.
Bibliomancy - is divination by turning to random book passages.
Bletonism - divines by observing swirling currents of water.
Cephalomancy - Examines the boiled skull of an animal particularly goat or Donkey.
Cromniomancy - divines using interpretation of the curved patterns found inside an onion.
Dorze - throws fowl entrails on the ground to examine patterns for prediction.
Geomancy(1) - is examines earth (dirt) trickled from the hand to a surface.
Leconomancy - is divination by observing the shapes made by oil poured on water.
Moleosophy - is divination using the shapes of moles on the body.
Nephlomancy - (aeromancy) divining using pictures in clouds as omens.
Ololygnomancy - divining examining the howling of dogs.
Phyllomancy - divining using the shapes and lines of leaves.
Scatoscopy - is divination by the examination of excrement.
Tyromancy - uses the coagulation patterns of spoiled cheese.
Uromancy - examines urine and also divines using the direction and spray from urination.
Zoomancy - is divination by observing the movement and behavior of animals.
Kids, don't try these at home!