The reparations part was too rich. They butchered a Malcom X quote, and then whined about how they were owed for 300 years of slavery. You show me someone who weathered being a slave, and then hook them up with someone who owned a slave, and I'll sign my name on the petition.
At least one of the speakers he pre-empted was a big reparations idiot...
Congrats on being featured!
Since the million man march, no one is willing to give estimates on crowds (because of Calypso Louie's Million Man Math), but I would hazard a guess of about 200k tops.
For anyone who's interested, you can read about the beliefs of the Nation Of Islam there^^
It's pretty trippy. As in I think that Elijah Muhammed might have got into some peyote or had an acid habit when he wrote all this stuff. Either that or he was mentally ill and delusional.