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Texas! They're Nuts Down Here!
"I pledge allegiance to the Texas Flag..."
Published on February 24, 2005 By
Went to the Texas State Capitol in Austin last weekend, and the adjacent Texas History Museum. Wow, what a propaganda trip. First of all, these people are just cuh-razy about their glorious state. Texas, Texas, Texas. Let's discuss what makes Texas so great. Now, in the next room, let's look at pictures of what makes Texas so historical. Next, here's a picture gallery of great Texans...
(Much like the "Scottish Wall of Fame" from
So I Married an Axe Murderer.
On your way out, don't forget to pick up a handful of "Don't Mess With Texas" bumper stickers.
Also, every day in school, my kids pledge allegiance to the US flag and to the TEXAS FLAG TOO.
"Honor the Texas flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one and indivisible."
Yikes. The propaganda machine is alive and well and working in Texas. (BTW, Texas is okay, not that great overall.)
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on Feb 24, 2005
"Honor the Texas Flag. I Pledge Allegiance to thee, Texas, one and indivisible."
I, along with my students, recite this everyday.
It is supposed to encourage pride, although I am sure many students now recite it without even stopping to think about its meaning. I guess we will have to work on that...
I actually had the opposite reaction when I visited the state capitol two weeks ago. All the historic markings --the beautiful capitol, the governors' portraits in the capitol rotunda, the homages to the Alamo heroes, the history of theRepublic of Texas....the HUGE influence of Mexico--made me realize more than ever what rich history we have here...and, I am not being arrogant when I say this, but it does stand out as a grand state even if it doesn't want to.
I am a proud Texan indeed....even IF I don't throw a10 gallon hat up in the air
...and yell "Yeee-Hawww"
...in an East Texas accent
...while driving a pick up truck with a "don't mess with Texas" sticker on it..
on Feb 25, 2005
I don't mind Texas--it's a great state with an interesting history, and I think it's quite pretty in parts. But I can't stand the Texas attitude, probably due to the Texans who've migrated north and maintained that attitude, thereby villifying a lot of places and things I love.
I'm not a super violent person but I'd be tempted to punch the next person who tells me "don't mess with Texas." (Plus it always sounds like they're the kind who don't put the apostrophe in "don't", i.e. "dont mess with TEXAS." But my imagination is running amok there, eh?)
on Feb 25, 2005
Texans do seem to be quite proud of Texas, eh? And why shouldn't they? It's full of babes!
Meanwhile, in California, we don't pledge allegiance to California, the United States, or anything else. Sure, we think we're better than the rest of the country, but we're just not passionate about our state.
Spc Nobody Special
on Mar 31, 2005
Glad ya like it here, and damned proud ya made it to the capitol,
Texas is okay, not that great overall.)
Remember, Killeen isn't Texas, it's Army, and may cast aspersions on what is otherwise the finest state there is.
P.S. Hi, I missed your beginnings on here, hope ya see this.
on Apr 06, 2005
Let's see, I've done Killeen (thanks for reminding me, SPC), San Angelo, Austin, Texas City, Houston, Big Spring, Lubbock...and a lot of driving in between ...and you know what? It all sucked. Texas is dirty, stinky, and the roads make no sense. So don't mess with Alaska. I've never been there, but it's bigger than Texas, so Ha!
on Apr 06, 2005
Here where I live there were tourists in a car with Texas plates. As I walked by their open window I cautioned them about using their 26.8 guns around here. They were confused until I told them Texans own an average of 6.7 guns. 4 people in the car. They weren't amused when they saw what I was saying. I've never been there but I'd love to go to a Cowboy's game someday. Meet J.R. and that witch who shot him.
on Feb 24, 2006
Tonight is my night to resurrect old threads... here ya go!
Especially poignant to resurrect this thread, as we have left Texas for six months now.
Texas is dirty, stinky, and the roads make no sense.
Better than the east, where fifteen roads all go the same place,
but no one road will get you five miles in less than an hour.
Including the freeways (yes, I mean you, I-95)!
Texas Wahine
on Feb 24, 2006
(BTW, Texas is okay, not that great overall.)
Oooooh....them's fightin' words.
What do you have against Texas? It could be its own frickin' country. And we'd kick all y'all's asses.
on Feb 25, 2006
I have had nothing but great experiences when it comes to Texas and Texans. They have all seemed like super friendly people to me. Matter of fact, some of the nicest people we have run into all over the country have been Texans.
Maybe I'm byassed since my hubby was born in Texas. That being said, I like visiting but don't ever want to live there. Maybe I'll change my mind once I've seen more of the state.
We are planning a trip to Dallas, Austin and South Padre Island in a couple of months. I'm not a fan of Dallas, have heard good things about Austin and love South Padre Island.
Gideon MacLeish
on Feb 28, 2006
Much like the United States, I love Texas in theory. If the lawmakers and the law enforcers would simply follow their own constitution, it'd be pretty durn near perfect!
on Feb 28, 2006
Fort Worth has so much more character than Dallas. I've seen a bumper sticker around here that says "Life's too short to live in Dallas" and I totally agree. I actually live in Parker county which is about 20 miles west of Fort Worth.
I guess it's like everywhere else. There's good and bad to it. Fire ants, rattlesnakes, summer electric bills, Dallas and Houston traffic - bad. Blue bonnets, the alamo, windmills, prairies, cowboys, barbeque - good.
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