These are my random musings. Hopefully they will be witty, insightful, and frequently updated.
A Quest for New Material
Published on February 22, 2005 By singrdave In Life Journals
Wow, I spent last night online creating my blog. And I spent the rest of the night tossing and turning. I spent the morning on the Stairclimber with my mind racing. I find myself combing news sources, life happenings, etc., for material on which I could put something, anything in my new blog. How do you guys handle the stress?!?!
on Feb 22, 2005

How do you guys handle the stress?!?!

I cope by writing wretched tripe... try it!

on Feb 22, 2005
Wretched tripe with a five-star rating, I might remind you.
on Feb 23, 2005
Wretched tripe with a five-star rating
We use only the freshest tripe hand culled from cattle fed only on Godiva chocolates and given daily massages by virgins...