I am a Republican, though I take great pride in knowing that while I have a desire to see the Republican agenda move forward, I do not just vote mindlessly, based on parenting or any other external influence. I try to be as open-minded as possible when it comes to politics, and try to "vote my conscience" as best I can. It just so happens that my conscience leads me to vote for the Republicans.
It definitely wasn't parenting. I was raised by a crazed anti-establishment father and a mother who has only voted for one Republican in her life (Dave Durenburger (R-Minn), later indicted for various crimes). My dad was a nutburger with extra cheese, especially after my parents' divorce, and I absolutely did not follow in his ultra-whatever leanings. But my wife can't figure out how I got to be so conservative, considering my upbringing.
As an open-minded Republican, I enjoy the Daily Show thoroughly. It is hilarious and a great way to understand the other point of view. But I understand it is only entertainment. Anyone who holds their beliefs so guardedly that they cannot laugh at themselves is wound way too tight.
I'm sure that, over time, my views will come fully to light as I rant about the events of the day.