These are my random musings. Hopefully they will be witty, insightful, and frequently updated.
I go to the polls next week...
Published on February 5, 2008 By singrdave In US Domestic
For all the hoopla and falderall regarding the Super-Duper, Ultra-Mega Tuesday primary elections today, it makes me wish I was part of the madness. If I could vote today, I could get caught up in it all. But for now, I'm a dispassionate observer. Since I am a registered Maryland Republican, all I can do is sit back and let the rest of the country decide my nominee for me.

Frustrated? Yes.

on Feb 05, 2008
Maryland, Virginia, and the District of Columbia vote on Also-Ran Tuesday, 12 Feb 2008.
on Feb 05, 2008
Psh. Be happy you can vote. Being underage BITES
on Feb 05, 2008
Psh. Be happy you can vote. Being underage BITES

While I applaud you eagerness to do something for your country, I recommend you enjoy your underage time before you end up savoring the "joys" of adulthood and the responsibility that goes with it.

Look at the bright side, after all the garbage being spoken about the current administration and the current presidential candidates, you may be lucky enough to be able to chose to vote from a better group of presidential candidates.
on Feb 05, 2008
Very true. I like being young, I just think its lame that I can't vote, whereas half the people that DO vote are less educated than I am. Some of the kids at my school don't even know what they're talking about, but they get to vote. Sometimes, democracy makes me wonder...

Can someone please explain what everyone sees in McCain? As far as I'm concerned, he's a liberal republican, gives his delegates to Huckabee so Romney can't win, bags on Romney as opposed to discussing the issues, lies about statements he's made about his own lack of knowledge, not to mention the following: What does everyone continually call their biggest concern of all the issues? The economy. What issue does McCain not even have a policy on? The economy. I just don't like him, and don't understand how he can be winning. Help?
on Feb 06, 2008
I just think its lame that I can't vote, whereas half the people that DO vote are less educated than I am.

I already knew that, but hey -- I'm 37. And I'm constantly amazed how much lower the bar becomes with every passing year.
on Feb 06, 2008

Cant Vote?  You would not beleive the number of "disenfranchised" Virginians there were yesterday!  Thousands (literally) went to the polls to vote - only to be told that it was next week!  The Internet Joke is real!

I think this will be my first primary I vote in as we do not have to register with a party to vote, but can only vote in one of the primaries.  I think I already know who and which I am voting in.

on Feb 06, 2008
Thousands (literally) went to the polls to vote - only to be told that it was next week!

I heard that on the way into work this morning. Hilarious. But we, of course, are the informed intelligensia.