Bringing good will and peace to the most hardened anti-American
The preconception regarding terrorism is that it is a poor man’s last hope – that only the dispossessed and desperate cling to violence. However, the demographics of the perpetrators of the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001 tell a different story: modern, intelligent, educated, and well-off members of society who were attracted to jihad. These men felt such violence was justified because this was part of a larger campaign against the US and the West in the name of Allah. They had been educated in the ways of jihad at madrassas and clerical schools throughout Asia, including some time spent in Taliban training camps in Pakistan and Afghanistan.
Going forward, potential jihadists must be taught that while jihad is a pillar of Islam, it is not meant to be the violent overthrow of society. Mohammed did not advocate the killing of innocents. Jihadists can be shown that their lives can be productive and helpful, both to themselves and their families. The so-called youth bulge that is now threatening Middle Eastern nations will bring millions of youth to working age with no hope of employment or education within their own nations. They are thus negatively motivated, led through apathy and disillusionment towards violence. Male youth, typically from the ages of 16-30, are the most likely demographic group to join a jihad. Mullahs and clerics therefore recruit from amongst these people, looking for those who are willing to fight – the pretext is that the battle is against those who supposedly brought such oppression on the Muslim people, thus causing their lack of future.
Western nations must provide opportunities to these disaffected and potentially dangerous youth. Through foreign aid and scholarship opportunities in other nations, such disaffection would be seriously undermined. An Iranian male will be far less likely to rage against the West if he has just received a degree from a Western university while living abroad. This also solves societal antipathy towards the West – give 50,000 scholarships to American universities to Iranian youth, sit back and watch the ill will subside. They return to their nations better educated and more productive. They have a vision for the future and good feelings towards their benefactors.
These potential soldiers-in-training must see that their activities are not the way to live nor are they the way to die. The US can spearhead efforts to disseminate feelings of goodwill and peace.