These are my random musings. Hopefully they will be witty, insightful, and frequently updated.
GWOT takes us wherever al-Qaeda exists
Published on June 20, 2007 By singrdave In War on Terror
I think there's a very compelling reason to dub this a "Global War on Terror". There is no one country with which we are at war. 9/11 caused us to go to war with Afghanistan, which at the time was harboring the perpetrators of that horrible crime.

Yet al-Qaeda exists in so many other nations that we did not want to restrict our emphasis onto one easily conquerable nation. it wasn't just semantics that made the Bush Administration to dub this a "Global War on Terror". We did not want to hold back our outrage with only one specific nation in mind. We had every intention of rooting out al-Qaeda wherever it may be, because the next attack would not necessarily come from Afghanistan. By declaring a Global War, we left the battlefield open-ended. The GWOT may yet take us to Yemen, Sudan, Syria, Indonesia, wherever al-Qaeda rears its ugly head.

That's why I feel it was totally appropriate to declare open-ended war on terrorism.

on Jun 20, 2007
The reason I posted this is I keep seeing bumper stickers that say "Endless War". And it remindeed me of John Edwards' comment about how the GWOT is a 'bumper sticker' slogan.
on Jun 20, 2007
The reason I posted this is I keep seeing bumper stickers that say "Endless War". And it remindeed me of John Edwards' comment about how the GWOT is a 'bumper sticker' slogan.

The problem is with people like Edwards, and many democrats for that matter, just don't believe that fighting terrorism is a reality. 
on Jun 21, 2007
The problem is with people like Edwards, and many democrats for that matter, just don't believe that fighting terrorism is a reality.

Do candidates like John Edwards, who thinks we're fighting a trite "bumper sticker war", or Ron Paul, who thinks we brought 9/11 upon ourselves, really think they're tapping into an unexpressed segment of American sentiment? Do they really believe that we believe that way? 'Cause they're wrong... and the polls bear that out.
on Jun 21, 2007
Do candidates like John Edwards, who thinks we're fighting a trite "bumper sticker war", or Ron Paul, who thinks we brought 9/11 upon ourselves, really think they're tapping into an unexpressed segment of American sentiment?

No, they are just appeasing the left wing in this country, and they are also counting on the short attention span of many people in this country.  Just look at the democrats attitude towards terrorism.  Some want people to believe it doesn't exist, or that it is just something Bush created, which is hilarious because islamic-based terrorism has been going on for decades.

They forget that islamic terrorists attack countries regardless of their foreign policy, and ignore the statements that their goal is a world-wide islamic state.  Remember the last election where Kerry stated terrorism is more of a law enforcement problem, that was the mind-set of Clinton and it got us nowhere. 

on Jul 04, 2007
Edwards doesn't stand a chance of being nominated. He should tend to his sick wife.