These are my random musings. Hopefully they will be witty, insightful, and frequently updated.
How can we relate to the militant?
Published on February 17, 2007 By singrdave In War on Terror
I do believe that the longer people just accept that this is the way the 'east' thinks...and this is the way the 'west' thinks...then we are in for even more milennia of stuck in the mud progress.

But it's so much easier to pigeonhole one culture (especially the opposing culture in a war) as being beyond (or beneath) reason. If we truly believe that the Muslim people of the world are bitter and irreconcilable, then we better just kill them all off and poof! No more threat.

But to engage them... to speak to both the imams and the people... to help them see that we can all coexist and prosper in a connected, happy world where Muslim, Christian, and Jew can live in peace... that's the real challenge.

The challenge comes because those Muslims who are willing to engage in meaningful dialogue with the West are seen as infidels and enemies of Islam, worthy of death. Then they get a good ol' fashioned fatwa issued on them, and all forms of revenge and chaos comes down on their heads for just thinking that peace with the West is possible.

Challenging? You bet it is.

on Feb 17, 2007
An individual suffering from a psychological malady may feel that their actions are rational - but to the community or society which that person lives in, the community may view this persons actions as being irrational.

I agree with this statement. The Unabomber believed he was acting in the best interests of society as a whole as he was licking envelopes. Tim McVeigh and Terry Nichols rationally plotted the Oklahoma City bombing in that motel in Kingman, AZ. Just because they are acting rationally does not mean that they are doing what is right.

Is there a difference between rational actions and conforming with societal norms? Can one act rationally yet against the expectations of civilized society?

Incidentally, God help the fathers and mothers who strap their children with bombs and send them off to their deaths. It takes a infinitely loving God to forgive some sins.