These are my random musings. Hopefully they will be witty, insightful, and frequently updated.
Debt is bad... take it from me. No really... take my debt, please!
Published on May 1, 2006 By singrdave In Life Journals
I have heard the adage that money is the root of all evil. (It's actually "The love of..." but who's splitting hairs?)

I also know that money (or lack thereof) is the largest single contributor to marital disharmony and leads to more breakups than any other issue in marriage.

From the Deseret News:
A top leader of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints encouraged this year's graduates of Brigham Young University to avoid going into debt.

Elder Robert D. Hales, a member of the church's Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, told the crowd in the Marriott Center for Thursday's commencement rites they should perform "plastic surgery" on their credit cards.

Unless you can pay off the balance every month, he told graduates, the plastic cards should be cut up and discarded.

"If you had to go into debt to obtain your education, I encourage you to repay your debts as soon as possible," he said. "Then go forward with commitment not to finance on credit any item of any kind, except perhaps a house and vehicle that are well within your means."

Debt also inhibits a person's ability to give "both temporal and spiritual service," the theme of Elder Hales' commencement address.

Truer words never spoken. So with that in mind, I hereby shun debt. Debt, I REBUKE THEE! Get thee behind me, credit cards!

Too bad it's easier said than done.

Without having to pay the minimum monthly payments on my own credit cards, I would have a lot of extra money every month. I would be able to fund my children's education. Instead I am funding a trip to Burger King... and a vacation... and a new bike for each kid at Christmas.

So I say to debt, away with thee! Eventually... Eventually I will be able to dig myself out of the debt hole which I have dug for myself.

on May 01, 2006
Wrong answers:

"With all this credit, you'd think I could live a little higher on the hog."

"I don't have to pay, I can just declare bankruptcy and start all over again!"
on May 01, 2006
We recently knocked out a good size chunk of debt. It took some sacrifice and self-restraint, but the feeling of peace and security that came with getting rid of it was so wonderful.

When you have debt, particularly credit card debt, those interest rates can be killer. You end up spending hundreds...or even thousands...on interest each year. On crap you "bought" a long time ago (or failed "business" ventures, lol)!

Now the money we have is ours. We're trying to save up for a house, and getting rid of debt was a major step forward toward that goal.
on May 02, 2006

"I don't have to pay, I can just declare bankruptcy and start all over again!"

My wife is a paralegal in that field, and oh so many do exactly that!

Wise words, that only experience can bring home the value of.  If we could know that (not as in a trivia fact) at a young age, there would be a lot less problems.  I had to learn the hard way.  I dont think my ex has yet.

on May 02, 2006
If we could know that (not as in a trivia fact) at a young age, there would be a lot less problems. I had to learn the hard way.

I learned it the hard way a few years back, and I am still reaping what I have sown!