Improving humanity's common lot
A fellow student in my Master's program recently said,
>> I see the U.S. losing ground on other fronts as well: academics, employment, technology, healthcare, just to name a few.
And to that I say hooray! Globalization is the best way to bring Third-World nations up to our standard of living. It's about time India, China, and Eastern Europe were given the opportunity to work themselves out of their nations' despondency. To take India as a specific example, soon high-tech workers and their families will be up to the living standard of the US and the first-world nations. For India's people, the American quality of life is an ideal never dreamed possible; yet we see it outside the call centers and tech districts of Bangalore. A recent issue of TIME Magazine got me very excited for India's future. As the US encourages capital expenditures in far-off, Third-World nations, we spend money for humanity's future.
Globalization! Any thoughts?