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Southern Utah town draws ire from travel guide?
Published on March 17, 2006 By singrdave In Current Events
Here's misguided social commentary. Apparently Frommer's Travel Guide has decided to take a moral or social stand against a small "anti-American" Southern Utah town.

From today's Deseret News:

If you're planning a trip to Kanab anytime soon, don't expect any travel tips from vacation guru Arthur Frommer.

In fact, the author of "Frommer's Travel Guides" only has one hint for would-be vacationers: Don't go.

Frommer, a nationally syndicated columnist, is calling for a boycott of the southern Utah city after city leaders passed a "natural family" resolution expressing support for "upholding the marriage of a woman to a man, and a man to a woman as ordained by God."

The resolution, approved in Kanab in January and drafted by the conservative Sutherland Institute, goes on to encourage homes to be open to a "full quiver of children" and young women to become "wives, homemakers and mothers."

That language elicited a caustic column from Frommer this month calling the resolution "homophobic" and suggesting vacationers avoid the tourist town.
(Look... homophobes!)

"If they discriminate against other Americans, then some Americans should not visit them," Frommer said Thursday from his New York home. "They really ought to wake up and join the modern world. It is nothing else but bigotry to adopt resolutions like that."

Okay, I understand that Frommer's helps people plan vacations. But do they think that by advising Utah visitors away from Kanab that they're serving some greater good? That they're doing potential tourists a favor?

I have been to Kanab, on my way back and forth between SLC and Arizona, and I gotta say the homophobes weren't wearing their signs that day. I didn't see one, didn't care enough to go looking for one, didn't ask around in order to flush one out of the bushes.

I just think that Frommer's is going out on a limb that it really shouldn't.
When I pick up a travel guide, I don't want social or moral commentary.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Mar 23, 2006
You think there should be no rebuttal when people just try to invent rights out of thin air?

No, simply expressing the futility of the situation.

By the way, though, the inventing of rights isn't a one-sided game. There are many ignorant neanderthals on both sides of the aisle (I feel like the geico commercial, I will now have outraged cavemen spamming my blog).
on Mar 25, 2006
You think there should be no rebuttal when people just try to invent rights out of thin air?

Then you're labeled as an intolerant pig. It's a no-win situation, sadly.
on Mar 26, 2006
Eh, I don't think it's so bad. It seems clear enough to me that some people wouldn't be happy in a town like that. Why they would be visiting Utah I don't know, but that's beside the point. He's paid for his opinion so I'm guessing the writer doesn't just have a right but a responsibility to give it, even if he ends up looking like an idiot.
on Mar 26, 2006
It seems clear enough to me that some people wouldn't be happy in a town like that.

Well then don't live there. But just passing through (which you have to in order to approach the Grand Canyon from the north) shouldn't be such a big deal. Certainly not boycott-worthy!
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