These are my random musings. Hopefully they will be witty, insightful, and frequently updated.
Published on January 9, 2006 By singrdave In Movies & TV & Books
This is supposed to be THE BIG MOVIE OF THE YEAR. I have heard radio announcements and TV spots billing this as the next great American film, in the mold of The Godfather or Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.

Clearly, the iconic image of the American cowboy is under fire in this movie about a couple of cowboys who come to terms with their latent homosexuality while out on the open range. In the words of Henry Oturno, this piece of American history is "purposely being torn asunder in this clearly agenda driven message movie. The film Brokeback Mountain clearly says even the manliest of your icons are potentially one of us."

It is easy to see this film is a Hollywood darling. They have created a watchable, and probably Oscar-worthy love story solely to push the gay agenda. I have nothing against homosexuals. I believe the people should be appreciated and respected while condemning the act. I totally draw the line when required to celebrate their lifestyle.

But how will it play in Peoria? That's the real question: box office take. How many straight 18-35 year old males (the key demographic) will pay to see this film? In fact, the film is causing some movie-house owners to take action...

From Yahoo News:
SALT LAKE CITY - A movie theater owned by Utah Jazz owner Larry Miller abruptly changed its screening plans and decided not to show the film "Brokeback Mountain." The film, an R-rated Western gay romance story, was supposed to open Friday at the Megaplex at Jordan Commons in Sandy, a suburb of Salt Lake City. Instead it was pulled from the schedule.

Gayle Ruzicka, president of the conservative Utah Eagle Forum, said not showing the film set an example for the people of Utah. "I just think (pulling the show) tells the young people especially that maybe there is something wrong with this show," she said.

Mike Thompson, executive director of the gay rights advocacy group Equality Utah, called it disappointing. "It's just a shame that such a beautiful and award-winning film with so much buzz about it is not being made available to a broad Utah audience because of personal bias," he said.

Should the rest of mainstream, heterosexual America rush to embrace and celebrate this film? That is in question right now. No one is forcing everyone to go see this film. No one is forcing Larry Miller to screen this film at his theater. But should they?

Comments (Page 2)
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on Jan 10, 2006
I want a movie that tells a story, not sets an agenda.

I hate being preached at! The Family Stone was a good example, they kept bringin up the "gay" issue and by the end of the movie, I felt like it had been rammed down my throat....gag.
on Jan 10, 2006

I hate being preached at! The Family Stone was a good example, they kept bringin up the "gay" issue and by the end of the movie, I felt like it had been rammed down my throat....gag.

I actually felt sorry for SJP, but I think that was what we were supposed to feel.  They hated her from the get go, even tho she had the social skills of a dishrag!

(oops!  Did I just admit I saw a Chick flick?)

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